Light Modulation
The Crystal Colouriser has 3 individual LED colours, and achives a colour blend by changing the intensity of each colour. To achieve a lower intensity, the light is switched on and off rapidly ( modulated ) but at such a fast rate that it is imperceivable to the human eye.
Normal houshold lights driven straight of the mains are switched at either 50 or 60 Hz. That’s 50 or 60 times each second depending on the country you live in.
The Crystal Colouriser switches at an invisible 136.1Hz or visibe 40Hz.
136.1 Hz being known as the ‘Om’ frequency, whilst 40Hz has applications in brain awareness and recently attributed to positive outcome in treating Altzheimers disease*.
Science and Colour – Circadian rhythm
A circadian rhythm refers to any biological process or function that has an oscillation rate of 24 hours.
Our bodies are programmed to survive based on the 24 hour day and night cycle and for mammöals, the timing of this rhythm can be determined by measurement of several chemical changes in the body.
Our biological clock is reset by the onset of light in the morning. Light can change this timing by advancing or delaying the circadian rhythm. Noctural animals have their clocks reset by lower levels of light than humans.
Some body cells have free running rhythms, but it is well known that nightworkers often have more health problems than people who work during daylight hours.
The power of Blue Light
Research has found that we are quite susceptable to blue light, and that we should limit our exposure to blue light as the evening progresses.
Some hospitals are now changing the ward lighting to reduce the amount of blue light from the light fittings for health benefits. You may only be seeing white light, but since white light, especially ‘cool’ white light actually contains more blue in it than ‘ warm’ white light there are moves to reduce the amount of bright ‘cool’ light we receive, particularly later in the day.
There are apps for computers that modify the colours displayed on the screen to reduce the levels of blue light.
Colour Therapy
Colour Therapy sometimes called Chromothereapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India. The colour that we see with our eyes is a single or mixed set of light wavelengths.
Wavelengths and frequency are completely interchangeable ( using a formula based on the speed with which light travels), engineers using radio and electronic devices normally used frequency as the measurement of oscillation, however most people using light tend to use wavelengths measured in nanometres (nm ), since it is an easier numbering scale at this level.
The different colours of light are photons with different wavelengths, and also differeent energies. Each colour has its own particular wavelength and energy.
In some Indian religions, a Chakra is believed to be a point of energy in the body. Not the physical body as we know it but the spiritual body and these points or nodes are often associated with specific colours.
A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution has been published and may make interesting reading.
Ref : Evidence Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 Dec; 2(4): 481–488.
The colours as defined in the seven most important Chakras are as follows
Red | Root chakra |
Orange | Sacral chakra |
Green | Heart chakra |
Blue | Throat chakra |
Indigo | Brow chakra |
Violet | Crown chakra |
White | Perfect color blend |
Descriptions and theories about the Om frequency are from various sources on the internet.
All copyrights are acknowledged.
- 40Hz Altzheimers treatment initially on mice at MIT research.